3D Radar Image of a Tornadic Supercell
Greensburg, KS EF5 Tornado
9:54 p.m. CDT, 4 May 2007

El Año de Hambre (Year of Hunger), AD 1785-1786
Tree-Ring Reconstructed Jun-Aug PDSI
Mexican Drought Atlas
Atmospheric processes and geographic distribution of radiation, moisture, pressure, and circulation interacting to create weather systems and storms; oceanic influences, earth-sun relationships, global climate patterns; human interaction with atmosphere. Laboratory exercises, observations, and experiments designed to apply scientific methods.
Prerequisite: None
- Availability: Spring 2025
- ESCI 1010 Syllabus Spring 2025 Section 002
- ESCI 1010 Syllabus Spring 2025 Honors Section 350
Descriptive account of the physical processes important in the formation of blizzards, ice storms, thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and heat waves.
Prerequisite: ESCI 1010
- Availability: Spring 2026
- ESCI 3131 Syllabus Spring 2024 Section 001
Climatic elements and methods of data analysis; applications of climatology in agriculture, health, economics, and architecture.
Prerequisites: ESCI 1010, MATH 1710, and PHYS 2010 or permission of instructor
- Availability: Fall 2024
- ESCI 4214 Syllabus Fall 2024
- ESCI 6214 Syllabus Fall 2024
Components of earth's energy balance, emphasis on solar radiation, heat transfer, and evapotranspiration.
Prerequisites: ESCI 1010 and PHYS 2110
- Availability: Unknown
Physical processes in the atmosphere applied to analysis and interpretation of synoptic (regional) scale systems using weather maps, upper-air soundings, satellite and radar imagery, and computer model output. Introduction to techniques used in weather forecasting.
Prerequisites: ESCI 1010, MATH 1710, and PHYS 2010 or permission of instructor
- Availability: Spring 2024
- ESCI 4216 Syllabus Spring 2024
- ESCI 6216 Syllabus Spring 2024
Characteristics of natural systems; magnitude of human alteration of environmental systems; history of natural change in climate and landscape; impact of changes.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
- Availability: Spring 2019
- ESCI 4252/6252 Syllabus Spring 2019
An introduction to the quantitative methods used by geographers. We will discuss the nature of geographic datasets, ways in which numerical data may be presented, and statistical measures, tests, and modeling. This course is not about how to derive or solve equations. Instead, it is a combination of lecture and exercises with an emphasis on application. Students will gain experience with statistical scripting languages, specifically SAS and R, to apply quantitative methods to the broad field of geography.
Prerequisite: None
- Availability: Fall 2017
- ESCI 4521 Syllabus Fall 2017
- ESCI 6521 Syllabus Fall 2017
This is an interdisciplinary class, framed within a research project, investigating the theme of urban resilience in relation to surface water-related issues, especially flash flooding. Cross-listed with PLAN and CIVL.
Prerequisite: None
- Availability: Fall 2017
- ESCI 7010/8010 Syllabus Fall 2017
This is an interdisciplinary class, framed within a research project, investigating the theme of urban resilience in relation to surface water-related issues, especially flash flooding. Cross-listed with PLAN and CIVL.
Prerequisite: None
- Availability: Spring 2018
- ESCI 7012/8012 Syllabus Spring 2018
Advanced study in the physical processes important in the formation of blizzards, ice storms, thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and heat waves. Reconstruction of past extreme weather events.
Prerequisite: ESCI 6216 or permission of instructor
- Availability: Fall 2025
- ESCI 7131 Syllabus Spring 2019
This is a course that can cover a wide range of topics in the interdisciplinary field of geography. The topic for this semester is Climate Change Science and Impacts—the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report (IPCC AR6). After introductory lectures, students will read selections of the IPCC AR6 Working Group 1 and 2 reports, published in 2021 and 2022, respectively. Each student will lead multiple class discussions, receive a working knowledge of the various datasets used to study climate variability and change, and complete a written assignment.
Prerequisites: None
- Availability: Fall 2022
- ESCI 7301/8301 Syllabus Fall 2022